Our service is directed in helping others standardize and publish their data, to improve interoperability and re-use of data in global health.
Data service for health agencies
We are working together with health agencies around the world to improve access to standardized data for global health, such as the US Centers Disease Control, the World Health Organization, the Taiwan Center for Disease Control, the Colombia Instituto Nacional de Salud, the Vietnam National Institute for Hygiene and Epidemiology, and many others.Data service for research
We help researchers to make data available and to use available data for their research. We can help researchers to make their data available to others in the Project Tycho standard data format. We can also create digital object identifiers (DOI's) that will persistently identify a research dataset and can help future users to give credit to the original dataset creator. We can also help researchers to explore and use available data from Project Tycho for their research.We always welcome new collaborations and ideas, so if you can benefit from our services, let us know!