We work with partners around the world to advocate for better data access and build capacity to use data to improve global health.
We actively reach out to health agencies around the world to improve access and use of data for global health. We have participated in panels on data access with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Health Organization, the Dengue Vaccine Initiative, the US Centers for Disease Control, and many others. Project Tycho investigators participate in major international research networks such as the NIH funded Models of Infectious Disease Agent Study (MIDAS) and the Gates funded Vaccine Modeling Initiative, to contribute towards better access and use of global health data.
Through training of global health students, staff, and researchers, we aim to improve capacity for better use of data in research and global health practice. We train people in accessing and using available data for their research, training, thesis, internship, website, software, or other projects. We also train people in using novel analytics such as wavelet analysis and agent-based modeling. We maintain an active training program at the University of Pittsburgh for students at highschool, undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate levels. Students are essential members of the Project Tycho team and have contributed to important studies using Project Tycho data, published in the NEJM, PNAS, PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, BMC Public Health, and others. We also participate in international training programs, such as the Computational Biology of Infectious Diseases program, and have conducted workshops for health agencies in partner countries including in Brazil, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, and India.
If you know of opportunities for outreach and training to improve global health data access and use, let us know!