

  • Journal: ReichLab
  • Date: Sept. 17, 2018
  • Category: Visualization & Software


Nicholas Reich from the Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology at the University of Massachusetts Amherst wrote a blog post about creating plots of pneumonia deaths from two influenza pandemics, using Project Tycho data.


Nicholas Reich

Related Project Tycho Datasets

United States of America - Influenza
United States of America - Lobar pneumonia
United States of America - Pneumonia


Last week, I attended a Pandemic Influenza Exercise at the US CDC. To be clear, there is NOT a pandemic occuring right now, but the CDC ran this exercise where hundreds of staff members and outside observers and participants came together to practice going through the motions of a public health response to a major pandemic. As someone who is usually sheltered from this everyday aspect of public health decision-making, this was a fascinating window into understanding the careful, if time-pressured, scientific deliberation that underlies the response to public health emergencies.

Read the full article