


Researchers led by Tal Galili from Tel Aviv University, created an R package heatmaply to create interactive cluster heatmaps, and used Project Tycho measles data to demonstrate an example of its use.


Tal Galili
Alan O’Callaghan
Jonathan Sidi
Carson Sievert

Related Project Tycho Datasets

United States of America - Measles


heatmaply is an R package for easily creating interactive cluster heatmaps that can be shared online as a stand-alone HTML file. Interactivity includes a tooltip display of values when hovering over cells, as well as the ability to zoom in to specific sections of the figure from the data matrix, the side dendrograms, or annotated labels. Thanks to the synergistic relationship between heatmaply and other R packages, the user is empowered by a refined control over the statistical and visual aspects of the heatmap layout.

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